Major accents
Investment environment 2022: stimulating investment activity and increasing confidence in the sector by creating clear and transparent rules and regulations.
Changes in the regulatory framework and key steps to facilitate the administrative process related to investment activity - what are the plans of the institutions and what does the private sector expect?
The project for amendment of the Spatial Planning Act - digitalization of the administrative services and limitation of the bureaucratic burden in the administrative and construction department - why is it important? Increasing the quality of the construction product and clearer definition of the responsibilities of the participants in the construction process.
Economics, macro indicators and the residential market 2022: risk management and hedging in a dynamic environment. Liquidity, inflationary pressures, and the cost of construction products - where is the balance?
Housing as a value: pricing models and market forecasts. How affordable are (will be) the homes in Sofia and the country and what determines their price? Prospects and challenges for residential investors.
Sofia's residential needs: housing situation, deficits, quality and sustainability. Why do people change their homes? The neighborhood, the environment (urban and social) or the building - which is leading?
Lifestyle Trends: Current specifics of the living environment - the way of life of the modern generation of home buyers as a basis for planning housing projects.
Search: What are the main drivers of demand for residential real estate? What modern residents are looking for and (not) finding.
Building innovation: smart technologies, system solutions and innovations for more valuable and sustainable residential buildings.
Trends in residential project management: how to maintain the quality and increase the value of residential projects in the long run?
Projects showcase: the evolution of residential architecture - projects and realizations 2022