
Residential forum 2022
8 June 2022 | Sofia, Bulgaria

Arch. Radomir Serafimov

managing partner, Atelier Serafimov Architects

Arch. Radomir Serafimov was born in 1973 in Sofia. In 1997 he graduated with honors at the Department of Public Buildings at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia. In 1998 he becomes an equal partner in "Atelier Serafimov Architects" Ltd., where he works until now as chief designer and manager. Since the beginning of his career, Arch. Serafimov follows the striving for professional challenges with loyalty and desire for growth of the company, which makes "Atelier Serafimov Architects" one of the leading design companies in the country. Arch. Serafimov is a member of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria and of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria.